Shaping the Odoo and OpenERP landscape post after post. Keep in touch.
Formation OpenERP - Magento : solution complète pour le e-commerce
Formation OpenERP - Magento/PrestaShop : solution complète pour le e-commerce
Akretion is proud to announce a new feature on the [OpenERP-Asterisk connector]( : the ability to open the calling partner in one click !
Akretion and Camptocamp announce the release of the PrestaShop-OpenERP connector
Treinamento OpenERP - Magento : solução completa para e-commerce.
Formation OpenERP - Magento : solution complète pour le e-commerce
**We recently updated the mrp_prodlot_autosplit module by :**
Akretion announces the availability of the module coface_credit_insurance in the extra-addons section under the AGPL licence...
Akretion's Christmas present to the OpenERP community : new feature on the Asterisk connector...
Formation OpenERP - Magento : solution complète pour le e-commerce