Shaping the Odoo and OpenERP landscape post after post. Keep in touch.
Akretion add the SEPA support for OpenERP
Update of the CRM-specific module of the OpenERP-Asterisk connector
Akretion is proud to announce a new feature on the [OpenERP-Asterisk connector]( : the ability to open the calling partner in one click !
Akretion and Camptocamp announce the release of the PrestaShop-OpenERP connector
Benchmarks with OpenERP server hosted on the Internet
Akretion enhances the French localization of OpenERP by adding full support for DEB and DES, which are two intrastat reports that French companies must send out to France's customs administration every month.
Akretion's Christmas present to the OpenERP community : new feature on the Asterisk connector...
This module adds a dial button in the partner address view so that users can directly dial a phone number through Asterisk. This feature is usually known as click2dial.
Akretion made a presentation about our experience on the implementation of the Factur-X e-invoicing standard in Odoo at the FNFE meeting on September 15th 2017 in Paris.
Akretion publishes a Python library for Factur-X, the new e-invoicing standard for France and Germany. This library is available on Pypi under the BSD licence.