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Shaping the Odoo and OpenERP landscape post after post. Keep in touch.

Our posts

David Beal
Odoo module - Connection to a Logistics Center

Here is a short presentation about a module to exchange data with a logistics center

External partners or sub contractors needs to share informations with you.

If you want your business fast grows up, it's impossible to use anymore fax or email copy/paste.

You sh...

Alexis de Lattre
The Barroux Abbey deploys Odoo version 8

The Barroux Abbey, a Catholic Abbey, home of fifty Benedictine monks and located in France, has rolled out Odoo version 8 in production on January 1st 2015 with Akretion.

David Beal
Pricelist Builder module

Ce module est un complément au module standard 'Product & pricelist' d'OpenERP.

Il étend les fonctionnalités du système de tarification des produits, appelé sur OpenERP 'liste de prix'.

David Beal
Formation OpenERP / Magento : 15, 16, 17 Avril 2014 à Lyon

Akretion organise une nouvelle formation sur le connecteur OpenERP-Magento.

De nombreuses nouveautés attendent les stagiaires.

Chafique Delli
Formation OpenERP / Prestashop : 1, 2, 3 Avril 2014 à Lyon

Akretion organise une nouvelle formation e-commerce basée sur OpenERP version 7 et PrestaShop 1.5 du 1 au 3 Avril 2014. Cette formation est basé sur le nouveau framework e-commerce.

Raphaël Valyi
run a LocomotiveCMS engine in minutes and upload sites to it with Devstep (Docker)

LocomotiveCMS is a brilliant CMS. I personnaly consider it's way ahead all of the open source competition. It has a client server structure where designers can edit website locally and then upload them to a multi-tenant engine. But installing that Engine can be a bit daunting, especially ...

Benoît Guillot
OpenERP-Magento connector v7 training by Akretion!

Akretion gave the first training on the new OpenERP-Magento connector in Redwood city, CA USA, from the 16th to the 18th of september 2013.

Raphaël Valyi
run LocomotiveCMS websites locally in minutes using Wagon and Devstep (Docker)

Docker is all the rage these days and Akretion has been using it for a while now, including for Odoo. In this post however we will see how we can use the Desvetp tool combined with Wagon to edit locally a LocomotiveCMS website.

Alexis de Lattre
SEPA support in OpenERP by Akretion

Akretion add the SEPA support for OpenERP

David Beal
Formation OpenERP / Prestashop : 21, 22, 23 mai 2013 à Lyon

Akretion organise sa première formation e-commerce basée sur OpenERP version 7 et PrestaShop 1.5 du 21 au 23 mai.

Cette formation est basé sur le nouveau framework e-commerce.


Renato Lima
Founder - Brazil
Raphaël Valyi
Founder - Brazil
Sebastien Beau
Founder - France
Alexis de Lattre
Founder - France
Benoît Guillot
Founder - France
David Beal
Associate - France
Chafique Delli
Associate - France
Odoo consultant
Raphaël Reverdy
Odoo consultant - France
Web consultant
Thibault Rey
Web consultant - France
Odoo consultant
Pierrick Brun
Odoo consultant - France
Clément Mombereau
Associate - Brazil
Web consultant
Dora Jurcevic
Web consultant - France

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