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Shaping the Odoo and OpenERP landscape post after post. Keep in touch.

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Benoît Guillot
OpenERP-Magento connector v7 training by Akretion!

Akretion gave the first training on the new OpenERP-Magento connector in Redwood city, CA USA, from the 16th to the 18th of september 2013.

Raphaël Valyi
run LocomotiveCMS websites locally in minutes using Wagon and Devstep (Docker)

Docker is all the rage these days and Akretion has been using it for a while now, including for Odoo. In this post however we will see how we can use the Desvetp tool combined with Wagon to edit locally a LocomotiveCMS website.

Alexis de Lattre
SEPA support in OpenERP by Akretion

Akretion add the SEPA support for OpenERP

David Beal
Formation OpenERP / Prestashop : 21, 22, 23 mai 2013 à Lyon

Akretion organise sa première formation e-commerce basée sur OpenERP version 7 et PrestaShop 1.5 du 21 au 23 mai.

Cette formation est basé sur le nouveau framework e-commerce.

Benoît Guillot
Training OpenERP - Magento connector : June 19, 20, 21 2013 in Redwood City, CA (USA)

First Akretion training in USA on the OpenERP-Magento connector organized with OpenERP SA in Redwood City, CA from June 19 to June 21 2013.

Training based on the new e-commerce framework.

David Beal
Formation OpenERP / Prestashop : 15, 16, 17 octobre 2013 à Lyon

Akretion poursuit ses formations sur la connexion de PrestaShop avec OpenERP du 15 au 17 octobre. Des nouveautés attendent les stagiaires

Renato Lima
Webinar BR - Localização Brasileira no OpenERP V7

No dia 9 de maio de 2013 realizamos um webinar juntamente com a OpenERP S.A. apresentando a comunidade e parceiros as principais mudanças e os novos recursos da localização brasileira para o OpenERP versão 7.0.

David Beal
Synchronisation Prestashop et OpenERP v7 - PrestaShopERPconnect

Akretion a débuté l'implémentation de PrestaShopERPconnect pour la version 7 d'OpenERP.
Voici quelques captures d'écran qui illustrent le niveau de fonctionnalité atteint à ce jour.

Renato Lima
Webinar BR - Localização Brasileira no OpenERP V7

No dia 9 de maio de 2013 realizamos um webinar juntamente com a OpenERP S.A. apresentando a comunidade e parceiros as principais mudanças e os novos recursos da localização brasileira.

David Beal
Synchronisation Prestashop et OpenERP v7 - PrestaShopERPconnect

Akretion a débuté l'implémentation de PrestaShopERPconnect pour la version 7 d'OpenERP.
Voici quelques captures d'écran qui illustrent le niveau de fonctionnalité atteint à ce jour.


Renato Lima
Founder - Brazil
Raphaël Valyi
Founder - Brazil
Sebastien Beau
Founder - France
Alexis de Lattre
Founder - France
Benoît Guillot
Founder - France
David Beal
Associate - France
Chafique Delli
Associate - France
Odoo consultant
Raphaël Reverdy
Odoo consultant - France
Web consultant
Thibault Rey
Web consultant - France
Odoo consultant
Pierrick Brun
Odoo consultant - France
Clément Mombereau
Associate - Brazil
Web consultant
Dora Jurcevic
Web consultant - France

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