New OpenERP - product (supplier) warranty module by Akretion

This post has been published on 11/19/2012, it is possible that it is out of date. The information below could be deprecated


Akretion implemented supplier warranty management in OpenERP :

product_warranty :

Extend the warranty details to a specific product/supplier relation

  • supplier warranty
  • return product to company, supplier, brand

All the modules related to RMA have been gathered in a dedicated launchpad project lp:openerp-rma

Lumière sur l'auteur

Raphaël Valyi
Founder - Brazil
Raphael, when he worked in Smile the French IT company, led the most thorough comparative study on ERP OpenSource (OpenERP, Openbravo, Compiere, Adempiere, ERP5 Ofbiz, etc ...) that led to writing a white paper of 120 pages. It has over 5 years experience in OpenERP and achieved more than 10 ...

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