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Raphaël Valyi
Maitriser son integration de données avec Akretion TerminatOOOR!

OpenERP is all the rage among open source ERP's but its native import/export has limitations when it comes to data integration. Server side OpenERP import/export is powerful but not so easy to get started and get interfaced. On the contrary, the famous Kettle open source ETL from Pentaho conne...

Raphaël Valyi
OOOR - OpenObject On Rails: gérer votre OpenERP devient un jeu d'enfant

One year ago, much for the fun, I started a small open source project [OOOR - OpenObject on Rails]( the idea was to explore Ruby metaprogramming techniques to remotely access the whole API of OpenERP using the standard...

Alexis de Lattre
Akretion ajoute le support des commandes électroniques basées sur UBL dans Odoo

After the support of electronic invoives with the ZUGFeRD standard, Akretion now adds the support of electronic orders with the Universal Business Language (UBL) XML standard.

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