Two new modules to enhance your experience of accounting with OpenERP.
During the Akretion - Camptocamp code sprint that took place last week in the Camptocamp Lausanne office, two new modules were developped that are very usefull when using OpenERP’s accounting in real life :
* account_reversal : with this module, you can create reversal account moves in 2 clicks. Imagine the amount of time you will save when doing your cut-off accounting work!
* account_analytic_required : with this module, you can enforce rules such as ‘I want to have an analytic account on all my expense account move lines’ or ‘I don’t want to have an analytic account on any of my income account move lines’. This is a great functionnality for the companies that use analytic accounting with OpenERP.
The functional design has been made by Frederic Clementi (Camptocamp) and Alexis de Lattre (Akretion) ; the code has been written by Alexis de Lattre (Akretion) with some advice from Nicolas Bessi (Camptocamp). A great team work !
These two modules are available in the extra-6.0 branch on Launchpad. They work on OpenERP v5.0 and v6.0 with the same code. They have been translated to French and are already used in production at Anevia, a customer of Akretion.
We hope you will enjoy our contribution!
Accounting contribs of the Akretion-Camptocamp code sprint
par Sebastien Beau

L'article que vous consultez a été publié le 19/11/2010, il est donc possible qu'il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations affichées ci-dessous sont suceptibles d'avoir expirées.
Lumière sur l'auteur

Sebastien Beau
Fondateur - France