OpenERP is all the rage among open source ERP’s but its native import/export has limitations when it comes to data integration. Server side OpenERP import/export is powerful but not so easy to get started and get interfaced. On the contrary, the famous Kettle open source ETL from Pentaho connects to almost anything (just last week it got a brand new EDI plugin for instance), any SGBD thanks to the JDBC connectors, any CSV, Excell files…
Akretion is here unveiling a technology we used for nearly 2 years now. Prepare you to step into the future…
OpenERP is all the rage among open source ERP’s but its native import/export have limitations when it comes to data integration. Server side OpenERP import/export is powerful but not so easy to get started and get interfaced. On the contrary, the famous Kettle open source ETL from Pentaho connects to almost anything, any SGBD thanks to the JDBC connectors, any CSV, Excell files…
With TerminatOOOR you have all the power of the full OpenERP API right inside your ETL data in/out flow. You can do any Create Read Update Delete operation enforcing the access rights of OpenERP. But you are absolutely not imited to that, in fact you can just do anything you would do with your OpenERP client: click buttons, perform workflow actions, trigger on_change events… This is because OOOR gives you the full access to OpenERP API.
We created TerminatOOOR back in late 2009 for a customer doing ecommerce sales on several different channels: Magento, OSCommerce, Amazon, Ebay, using several payments gateways and bank interfaces. Later we continued to use it in similar projects where integration with other systems would make the difference. It’s also used a lot for loading your data into OpenERP when you migrate to it. But those are just a few possibilities… We finally got the time to package TerminatOOOR for an easier installation and we also documented it extensively.
All right, so don’t wait any longer and read the detailed documentation
You might also be interested in downloading it or looking at its source code
We would also here thank all the great people who made this possible: the Kettle guys, Slawomir Chodnicki who revolutionized the Ruby Kettle plugin, all the JRuby team and specially people like Charles Headius Nutter, Yannick Buron for helping in the first doc version a year ago, CampToCamp and for their testing and patches on OOOR and all the people who tested and helped in a way or another.
Maitriser son integration de données avec Akretion TerminatOOOR!
par Raphaël Valyi

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Raphaël Valyi
Fondateur - Brazil